Saturday, May 03, 2008

Daily Kos: It's the Jobs Stupid: Gas Tax Holiday Jobs/$$ Lost by State, 150 Economists Write Letter

Daily Kos: It's the Jobs Stupid: Gas Tax Holiday Jobs/$$ Lost by State, 150 Economists Write Letter

I don't know why Obama has such a difficult time with obvious connections. But the whole thing about the gas tax holiday is about JOBS. He should be out on the streets saying hell no we aren't going to cut over hundreds of thousands of jobs and give the oil companies more profit margin with this stupid gas tax holiday.

Do Clinton and McCain think because the Federal gov't stops charging the 18.5 measley cents that the oil companies are going to subtract it from their prices?

They must think we are idiots.

The oil companies are raking in $10,000,000 in oil revenue an hour fromn one report I saw. And Clinton hands them more money?

Not a chance you're going to save ANY money.

Besides the stupid factor, we ought to be able to raise gas taxes in cities across the country so we can fund transit and green fuels.

I would like to see a truck and inefficient car buy back program funded by tax credits.

It would take old cars and trucks off the road and spark growth in sales in cars that are getting 30-40-50 mpg.

We ought to have a Green Test City program where a city like Seattle says -- OK-- by 2010 we're going to BAN gasoline driven vehicles in town.

Then we can test the merits of making the switch to fresh air and water -- by products of living in a greener world with transport systems exhaust being water and fresh air.

Why hasn't this been tried already? Where the hell is George Jetson?



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