Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Teach clean water practices to kids-- Low Impact Development Buy 1 get 1 free

Sale this week-- order 100 Love Your Stream posters for teaching kids around Puget Sound 8 clean water practices, Get 100 Low Impact Living posters FREE. 

Offer good while supplies last.  Order today by email or call Good Nature Publishing @ 800 631 3086


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

October green note card sale: 500 5" x 7" note cards w envelopes FREE $.99 ea/ 1000 @ .69 cents ea

Do you want a professional custom note or greeting card for your art, for work, promotions and thank you's?

I am going to press on a run of Good Nature 5" x 7" note cards and can help you get a great price and the best printing in America.

Use our art for free or send me your own.

  1. Offer good while there is space, so hurry!  Call today
206 622 9522 or email me @ Good Nature

Best prices start @ 500 and 1000

