Friday, September 19, 2008

Truman Never Gave the Republicans Hell, Harry Truman Claimed. "I Just Told the Truth and They Thought it Was Hell."

BuzzFlash > Editorial > Truman Never Gave the Republicans Hell, Harry Truman Claimed. "I Just Told the Truth and They Thought it Was Hell."

Dear Sen Obama, please note that Harry Truman's good words. Food for thought as we are about to indenture ourselves to a trillion dollars of bad debt.

I want a tax that hurts the rich who have made off like bandits-- leaving us with the bill for cleaning up the slot machine economy they leave behind.

This is how the game was set up.

Now we are supposed to pay the price?

I say enough!

Where is any progressive legislation for us taxpayers and owners of Visa and Master Card? Do we get locked in low interest rates for this huge bail out?

Do we have a shared sacrifice for late payment fees going down to $5 from $35?

Will there be some anti usery laws put in place to protect working class people from getting reamed by predatory lenders?

I want something guaranteed to protect the working and middle class. Don't just bend over and flush out our entire treasury.

Of course, now we have lenty of money for universal health care, education and retirement. What a relief!




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