Saturday, March 15, 2008

Daily Kos: The financial crash has a simple cause and a simple solution

Daily Kos: The financial crash has a simple cause and a simple solution

Jerome sums it all up for me- the way out of middle class Americans head fake as they lose income over the past decade isn't working any more. Too much debt by the rich and powerful big banks collapsing is now rippling through the lives and siphoning income from those of us who like to think of ourselves as middle class. The large margin call on all the debt crisis has a green progressive answer.

Read post to see a good assessment of where we are now (thanks Wall St. Journal) and where we can be if we get organized -- for a green economy that grows jobs, fresh air, and powers America on our own energy.

Time to stop looking busy and really get busy. It is a short life. Make yourself proud.

Best fishes,


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