Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Invasive Species story in Seattle Post Intelligencer

Volunteers Meghan Welch and Peter Richardson yank out some stubborn English ivy during an EarthCorps event at Cheasty Greenspace in Rainier Valley. The invasive ivy chokes trees. (November 07, 2005)

Credit: Dan DeLong/Seattle Post-Intelligencer
The good people at Seattle PI wrote a great story on invasive species and the destruction than create in our urban forests.

Reporter Lisa Stiffler gets Good Nature Publishing's Citizen Science Award for her skillful reporting.

PS: My client in the Forest Service in Oregon emailed me by end of day this story was published to make sure I saw it. Of course we had picked it already -- but interesting to note the range of Google News on work life.

Hats off to the artists and writers at Seattle Post Intelligencer.

Treemendously, Timothy

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