Sunday, October 23, 2005

Visions of Science Awards -- photos from UK

This tiny shrimp fearlessly enters the mouth of a fish to clean its teeth. Fish value this service as the shrimp removes and eats harmful parasites. The shrimp lives in the sea anemone in the background. Fish recognize the anemone as a cleaning station, and when they need a clean they approach it and open their mouths, encouraging the shrimp in. This is mutualism - a form of symbiosis in which both partners benefit.

Photographed at a depth of 10 metres off Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, in 2003.
Nikon F90x, 105mm macro lens, two flashguns

Interesting detailed photographs collected here in Winners of Vision of Science Awards

I had to read the text next to the photos to really appreciate the image.



Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wrens of North America sketch

Wrens of North America by Tammy Irvine (contact Good Nature Publishing for information on ordering this new print 1-800 631 3086

Tammy Irvine sent me this sketch with these birds illustrated in an attractive horizontal format. I feel as though the little ones have come to visit. How many have you seen?

Wrens of North America

Cactus Wren, Canyon Wren, Rock Wren, Bewicks Wren, House Wren, Winter Wren, Sedge Wren, Carolina Wren and Marsh Wren.

Do you love wrens like I do? I like the little wrens as much as I love raptors. When I was growing up, wrens, cedar waxwings, robins, and grackles made our back yard alive --

Wrens peck, creep and flit along, enchanting us in their careful search for food. They blend in with the dead leaves on the ground or bark of a tree, so seeing through their camouflage makes observing their little bodies in constant motion a visual treat.

I enjoy their subtle coloring, their silent approach to life, and the graceful way they ponder and fly through bush and bramble. Where robin can sit like a sentry on the ground-- buddha like trance state feeling the ground for movement and dinner below their feet, brother and sister wren keep a steady eye out for prey and predators.

Good Nature is making a poster, and maybe a long post card that folds out.

Retail $9.99/$20 laminated
20 or mroe for $5 ea/ $10 laminated
$2.50 ea per 100
99 cents ea per 1000 with your name and logo added for a small fee.

What do you think? Order in October to get these pre press discounts. First edition planned for the holidays.


Timothy Colman, publisher
Good Nature Publishing Co

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Southeast Invasive Species poster premiers

Copyright 2005 Good Nature Publishing Co. Call Tim Colman 800 631 3086 or Good Nature Publishing Co.

New poster of Invasive Species of Southeastern US. Beautiful and educational poster perfect for agency outreach and education.

Price per poster $9.99 (18" x 24")
20 or more for $5 ea
100 in Octover for $2.99 ea
1000 or more for .99 cents ea
5000 or more for .79 cents ea

"Nonnative plants...What you plant
today may invade our forests tomorrow."

Species list illustrated:

1.Silktree, Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin)
2 Princesstree, Paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa)
3 Tallowtree, Popcorntree (Triadica sebifera)
4 Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
5 Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense)
6 Sacred Bamboo, Nandina (Nandina domestica)
7 Winged Burning Bush (Euonymus alata)
8 Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbibulatus)
9 English Ivy (Hedera helix)
10 Nonnative Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis, W. floribunda)
11 Common Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
12 Tall Fescue (Lolium arundinaceum)
13 Chinese Silvergrass (Miscanthus sinensis)
14 Golden Bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea)

Shown above are a few of the many nonnative invasive plants that threaten the forests of the South. These trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, and flowers invade an estimated 4,600 acres of U.S. land every day, with about half of those acres on public land. With their rapid growth and dense infestations, nonnative invasive plants alter the ecology of forests, affecting water and soil quality and leading to declines in both the numbers and diversity of native plants.

USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC

Artist: Jeff Gundlach

Available for sale 10/22/05

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Give Bees a Chance poster/greeting card

Copyright 2005 Good Nature Publishing Co. Seattle WA Good Nature Publishing Co. with artist Tammy Irvine Rear View Studio
Final art willl be watercolor. Sketch is black & white.

Give Bees A Chance

Here's a preview of a beautiful new greeting card and poster from Good Nature Publishing for your exclusive preview. It is due out mid November in time for the holidays.

Order yours today! Beautifully illustrated with colorful wildflowers, a sign that makes everyone smile and a hope for peace on earth. And good for beesness!

Give Peace a Chance 4 color greeting card (5" x 7" folded blank inside)
Retail for $2.25 ea/ $2.00 ea per dz/ $.95 cents ea per 100/ .79 cents ea per 1000

Give Peace a Chance poster 11"x 14" color poster $7.99 ea/ $5 ea for 20/ $2.50 ea per 100/.95 cents ea per 1000

Satisfaction guaranteed.

You can order by emailing me @ or call 800 631 3086

Thanks for checking it out.


Timothy Colman, poster sherpa & publisher
Good Nature Publishing Co.
Seattle WA
206 622 9522

Monday, October 03, 2005

New Puget Sound Hedgerows: Biodiversity on the Farm

(Click on image to enlarge view)

Hedgerows of Puget Sound poster field guide preview

Good Nature's newest poster makes biodiversity easy to appreciate.

Suzanne Duranceau has almost finished a beautiful portrait of Pacific Northwest Hedgerows -- showing native plants farmers in Western Washington and Oregon can grow to create "living fences" -- buffers between farm animals and nearby wetlands.

Farmers growing natives that make hedgerows create benefits all around -- improving farm fertility, creating natural windbreaks, cutting down erosion from floods and improving biodiversity.

Hedgerows of Puget Sound final poster field guide complete with running border of 24 close ups of key species will be published by Thanksgiving 2005. Finished size is 36" x 24" printed on high quality recycled papers.

Price per poster is $16.99/$30 lam 20 or more for $5 ea non laminated.

Order yours today -- and check out Good Nature Publishing Co

You can see the rest of Good Nature's art at Good Nature, order the new poster, or add it to other ones you like.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

best fishes,

Timothy Colman, Publisher and poster sherpa